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What type of trees are the best to plant?

It's always good to plant a variety of trees, some of the best trees to plant for this area oaks trees. Oak trees are indigenous to the Cedar Park area and have the best chance of survival even with the Oak Wilt disease that affects so many.

When is the best time to plant a tree?

A lot of homeowners believe spring is the best time to do their tree planting. When asking Gardening experts they consider fall the best time to add trees to the landscape. Trees planted now get a head start on establishing roots before summer returns.

How close should I plant my trees?

It depends on what type of tree it is and how far the canopy will expand. So much of planting a tree relies on what type of tree it is and where you are wanting to plant it. You do not want to plant trees to close to each other, it will harm their root system and not give them the space they need to grow.

What is the best way to plant the tree?

  1. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball. More importantly: Make sure the hole is no deeper than the top of the root ball. Planting the tree 1 to 3 inches above the level of the surrounding ground is best, since the tree may settle.
  2. Digging the hole in the shape of a square is also a good idea.
  3. Place the tree on solid soil. Don't loosen the soil under the root ball, and don't add compost, bark or any other amendment. Lift and carry the tree by the root ball, not the trunk.
  4. Backfill only with the soil you excavated for the hole.
  5. Tamp down the soil around the root ball.
  6. Water thoroughly to eliminate air pockets.
  7. Use soil to build a 4-inch-tall berm around the edge of the hole. Add a 4- to 6-inch layer of mulch inside the ring, but never cover the root flare.
  8. Once the tree has been planted it is good to give it a slow drink of water

When should I prune my trees?

It is always best to have an experienced Arborist or tree company do your tree pruning. The pruning of a tree is a very important part of the trees health and well being. If the pruning is done incorrectly it can promote disease and sometimes even kill your tree.

How often should I prune?

Their are many factors to consider when pruning your tree. The best times to prune vary and are based on specific tree needs.

Pruning during dormancy or in the fall is the most common practice. It results in a burst of new growth in the spring and should be used if that is the desired effect. It is usually best to wait until the coldest part of winter has passed. Some species, such as maple, walnuts and birches, may ?bleed??when the sap begins to flow. Once the tree leaves out it will subside.

To direct the growth by slowing the branches you don?t want; or to slow ?dwarf? the development of a tree or branch, pruning should be done soon after seasonal growth is complete. The reason for the slowing effect is that you reduce the total leaf surface, thereby reducing the amount of food manufactured and sent to the roots. Another reason to prune in the summer is for corrective purposes. Defective limbs can be seen more easily, or limbs that hang down too far under the weight of the leaves.

What is Crown Reduction?

When a tree has grown too large for the space it is in a method called Crown Reduction is used to help manage the trees growth. This particular method is also referred to as drop crotch pruning. This is the preferred method used by tree care companies since it helps create a more natural appearance and increases the time before pruning is needed again.

When should I have a tree removed?

There are many reasons to have a tree removed. If the tree is dead or dying or is the carrier of a disease. Not all trees carrying disease have to be removed it is only in the severe cases that tree removal is necessary. If your tree is dead or dying then the tree will more than likely need to be removed so the tree does not become a hazard to people or your home.

Why is a broken branch a hazard?

Have you ever heard the term "widow maker"? This is the name given to an unattached branch hanging high in a tree waiting to fall...on your head. This term is not one that we use lightly, it's a real danger and has become a common term because of the numerous deaths related to those being hit by falling branches. At Doleva we don't ever want anyone to have to experience this term personally. We are the professionals and we have years of experience in tree trimming and maintaining of trees of all shapes and sizes.

How many trees should I plant in my yard?

It really depends on the size of your yard and how many trees are already in the yard. If you do not have any trees in your yard then the possibilities are endless (depending on lot size). We can help you with spacing of trees and how many are best suited for your yard.

Do I need a permit to plant a tree?

Typically, no you do not need a permit. If you live in a neighborhood you may possibly need approval from you HOA. If you do not live in a neighborhood you probably do not have an HOA and do not need permission to plant a tree.

How can I tell if my trees have oak wilt?

There a many obvious signs of a tree carrying the oak wilt disease. Sometime the signs have not begin to show and only an Arborist can truly assess the situation. If your oak tree is showing any of these signs then it is best to have an Arborist do an inspection of the tree and verify whether or not it has the disease.

  • Major damage to the tree
  • Beetles or bugs living in the tree
  • Dead or dying branches on the tree with fungal appearance

Are there other diseases that can affect my trees in Cedar Park?

Yes, but the main disease facing trees, or oak trees to be more specific is Oak Wilt. Often times when a tree looks sick and it is not Oak Wilt it can be from insect or other bug infestation. None of these things are positive to the overall health of the tree and need to be looked at by a tree care company.

What is an Arborist?

An Arborist is an individual who is trained in the art and science of planting, maintaining, and caring for individual trees. A certified Arborist is someone who has taken the time to develop and grow their knowledge of trees and is highly qualified to assess your specific trees needs. An Arborist can help you with a variety of services including:

  • Plant Health and Care
  • Fertilization and soil modification
  • Cabling and bracing for added support
  • Soil aeration Installation of Lightning protection systems
  • Administer applications to prevent bugs and insects from spreading disease

Which Tree company to use

1. When you are having tree work done in Georgetown, Tx make sure the tree removal company you are dealing with is Insured, such as Doleva Elite Tree. If something happens while this company is on your property, you want to be certain you both are covered.

2. Ask for references. It's always a good idea to know the tree removal company you are working with has actually done a good job for others.

3. Please do not ever try to take down a tree by yourself. Would you try to perform surgery on yourself? It's always a good idea to let the professionals handle the job. We are the surgeons of the tree world. Dead tree removal

Protected Heritage Trees

4. Did you know Georgetown has protected trees? This is exactly why you need Doleva to do the tree work for you. We know which trees can and should be cut along with the trees that should not be touched per City of Georgetown regulations.

5.Trees to leave standing on residential land: trees with 26in diameter trunks

6. Trees 12 inches or more in diameter on commercial property are also protected.

Their are more than a few protected trees in the city of Georgetown some you may not have even thought might be on the list.