The most common types of pruning of your trees are:
Whether drop crotch pruning and structural pruning, Doleva Elite Tree will use the best techniques for your crown reduction, canopy raising, allowing sun and wind to pass through the trees or roof and structure clearance.
Raising is done to clear sidewalks, streets, houses and buildings from encroaching branches. This is referred to a raising the tree's canopy.
Crown Reduction reduces the size of a tree's canopy by pruning. Crown Reduction is often done to reduce the weight of limbs or to shape a tree.
Crown Thinning removes small branches throughout the interior of a tree. Thinning reduces weight and allows wind to flow through to prevent a tree from uprooting, and allows sunlight to pass through onto the yard.
Crown Clearing removes damaged or dead branches from a tree's canopy.
Weather it is crown reduction, canopy raising, allowing sun and wind to pass through the trees or roof and structure clearance, you can be assured our tools are sanitized, our cuts are proper, and when needed, our wounds are treated.